Online Financial Aid System
“As per the Department of Education the 2025-2026 FAFSA should be available to complete in December 2024. We will update this page as more information is received. Please remember to also check your Fairfield email for future updates as well”
Welcome to NetPartner Fairfield University's Online Financial Aid System. You can:
- View a list of documents we've received from you and a list of the documents still outstanding
- View and accept or decline your financial aid awards
- View your student loan history, if you have borrowed
- Check the status of your student loans for the current year
- View important messages from the Office of Financial Aid.
- Review and accept financial aid terms and conditions.
Log In Instructions
Use the LOG IN BOX to the right.
Then choose, FIRST TIME USER within the LOG IN BOX.
Your eight-digit Fairfield University student ID is the eight-digit number on financial aid correspondence or your Fairfield University ID card.
You will now be prompted to Activate Your Account by entering the eight-digit Fairfield ID. Once there, you will verify your ID number and choose security questions from the dropdown arrows using two different security questions.
You will then be prompted to choose a password chosen by you as a First Time user when creating a Net Partner account. This password must be at least 9 characters, include at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number and 1 symbol (!@#$%^&) and expires every 90 days.
If you have visited Net Partner on a prior occasion you are a returning user. If you have forgotten or misplaced your password, it can be reset by contacting our office by email
You can claim and log into Net Partner using Single Sign-On (SSO) if you have already claimed your Fairfield NetID. Access your Net Partner account by signing into, our application search portal, and launching the "Financial Aid Records" task. Favorite the task for easy access in the future! Click here for more information on how to claim your NetID, or contact